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Luke Carlsen

Jazz Singer

Luke Carlsen is a “Rising Star in the Jazz Scene” according to UPI. He, along with his music director Michael Seaman, formed The Fresh Rhythm Big Band in the fall of 2017 to create new arrangements of “Sing, Sing, Sing” and “It Don’t Mean a Thing” for Sony Publishing. Since then, Luke has performed in Southern California’s best clubs and venues including Herb Alpert’s Vibrato Grill Jazz Club, Segerstrom Performing Arts Center, Feinstein’s at Vitello’s, Cicada Club, Clifton’s Republic, The El Rey Theater, The Drake and Campus Jax. You can check out the big band every month at Herb Alpert's Vibrato Grill.

SME Entertainment Group (a Live Nation Company) is your leading source for booking Luke Carlsen

SME Entertainment Group ("SME") is an event producer working with corporations and leading associations around the world to provide musical acts, comedians, and all types of keynote speakers for talent booking services for corporate events and private events.